We took the opportunity of the flowering desert in October 2021 for a long 5827km road trip to the North of Chile. After visiting our friends in El Molle we enjoyed the colours of the flowers between Huasco, Bahía Inglesa and Copiapó. Not as impressive as during the previous event in 2017 – but still always amazing to the see the Atacama Desert changing like this. We continued heading North with an excursion to the Pan de Azúcar National Park and stop-overs at the Salar de Llamara, the Pampa del Tamarugal National Reserve, and the Chinchorro mummies in the San Miguel de Azapa Valley.
We then climbed up to Lauca National Park where we could enjoy the landscape and wildlife of the Altiplano. From Putre we started a roundtrip to Visviri, a little village at the border between Chile, Bolivia and Perú. This is where Chile begins or ends – depending on how you look at it. This day tour led us through breathtaking landscapes – not only because of altitudes between 3500 and 5250m. On the way back South we travelled as much as possible along the Chilean coast line with a nice stop at Punta de Choros.
Enjoy the pictures and follow our trip on this map:
Angelika’s picture from this trip are available at https://andreas-und-angelika.de/galleries/angelika/2021-10_Visviri/