Have a look at some recent photospheres (360 degree x 180 degree panoramas) of the ESO Paranal Observatory featuring the Very Large Telescope (VLT) at day and night. In particular, don’t miss to have a look around the winter sky with the Milkyway stretching across the firmament at the beginning of the night. The heart of the Observatory are the four 8.2-m Unit Telescopes (UTs). The photosphere of UT1 ‘Antu’ (the Sun in native Mapuche language) allows you to look around inside the telescope enclosure from the gallery on the level of the main 8.2-m mirror.
All photospheres have a resolution of 170 mega pixels and allow to look in all directions and to zoom in to 100% magnification. Don’t miss to look up to the zenith and down to the nadir, best in full-screen mode.